Friday, October 29, 2010

Folsom Prison Blues: Halloween 2010

I'm not sure if everyone will get the costume reference...we dressed Henry up as an inmate from Folsom Prison, where Johnny Cash played a concert. He made an announcement in the middle of the show: "I have an announcement here... Sandoval, Sandoval, S-A-N-D-O-V-A-L, Sandoval, eighty-eight four one nine, is wanted in Reception." So Henry was inmate 88419.

Guess he won't be going anywhere with this on:

Coco was Elvis and she was a STAR. "Thank you...thank you vurrry much!"

Some of the adult costumes, including Daddy as Prison Warden:

Fun first Halloween, but Henry is TIRED after a party, even if there were only 2 babies there!
Cutest tired little prisoner in the world!

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