Saturday, September 4, 2010

Our Weekend

Happy Labor Day weekend to all of you back home! I can't believe it's already Labor Day. 2010 has just whizzed by.

We had an exciting weekend--Thursday night was my (probably) last baby shower, held at Aisha's house by Aisha, Cindy and Nicole. It was really fun--we had our nails done and ate good food. I got some more cute things (really, this baby is VERY spoiled already) and watched a movie. Perfect night! (And as usual, Coco was the star of the evening--looking cute, standing up, getting kissed by Ollie the puppy...)

What is it with me and funny picture faces recently?!

nursing cover made by Denay!

Then yesterday, Paul finally got a haircut after I had pestered him for weeks--I told him that if this baby comes and he looks like Phil Spector in all the pictures that I would be really mad. While we were out at dinner with Cindy & Nick & baby Coco, we heard that a UPS plane crashed near the airport here in Dubai--sad.

Last night I started having all kinds of crazy stomach pain--but I was pretty sure it wasn't labor. I went in to see the doctor today and it turns out I somehow managed to pick up some gastrointestinal virus that has been going around. Fun! Luckily, Paul is fine and I am on the mend.

I am excited to see the doctor later on this week. When I went to see the ER doc today, he said the head was down ("engaged") and ready for delivery. We just couldn't figure out if baby was sitting sideways or with his back to my belly. I guess we will find out on Wednesday!

1 more week of Ramadan left. It has gone by quickly this year, which surprised me.

Anyway--Down to the wire. We are excited and nervous.

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