Saturday, August 21, 2010

Iftar @ the Intercontinental Hotel, Festival City

I realized recently that we really haven't documented much of ANYTHING since Nugget entered our I made it a point to take my camera when we went to a Ramadan iftar tonight at the Intercon with Aisha and Shahin.

The food was really good and it wasn't so crowded so we had a nice time. I can't seem to eat as much food in one go as I used to--my baby takes up too much of my body and squooshes up my stomach, I guess!

Some photos:

Before sunset:
Outside the Ramadan "tent"

The seats we DIDN'T sit in (VIP area--available to all at an extra cost, of course):

Here's me looking even more pregnant that I am--but if you think that belly looks big, you should see my feet! Yikes!!

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