Tuesday, August 24, 2010

How cute is this baby?!!

I mean, once you get past the, "Oh, that's kind of a scary picture" bit...

Profile shot! He looks like he has a big nose here...

5 weeks left...you'd better believe I'm counting at this point.
Feet no longer swollen--I think it was the heat--but starting to get super uncomfortable as he grows bigger and bigger...

Saturday, August 21, 2010

Iftar @ the Intercontinental Hotel, Festival City

I realized recently that we really haven't documented much of ANYTHING since Nugget entered our lives...so I made it a point to take my camera when we went to a Ramadan iftar tonight at the Intercon with Aisha and Shahin.

The food was really good and it wasn't so crowded so we had a nice time. I can't seem to eat as much food in one go as I used to--my baby takes up too much of my body and squooshes up my stomach, I guess!

Some photos:

Before sunset:
Outside the Ramadan "tent"

The seats we DIDN'T sit in (VIP area--available to all at an extra cost, of course):

Here's me looking even more pregnant that I am--but if you think that belly looks big, you should see my feet! Yikes!!

Monday, August 16, 2010

A second anniversary!

After almost six years, the UAE government has officially recognized our marriage, following recognition already given by: Hillary Rodham Clinton, Janet Polarek (Secretary of the Commonwealth of Virginia), Amy (Somethingorother) at the U.S. Consulate in Dubai and John Frey (Clerk of the Circuit Court of Fairfax Virginia).

We are pleased to announce that our child will no longer be considered illegitimate. Break out the champagne!

Monday, August 9, 2010

This cracked me up


This was me on my flight back to Dubai. Too funny!!!

"This is kind of a big deal"

8 months...and counting!

How fitting that I'm standing in front of that sign. Check out my face...think I'm ready for this yet?!

...and check out this awesome van! I promise I will fulfill my civic duty to support local businesses!
Ice cream man!!!

Friday, August 6, 2010

Random photos

I just downloaded some photos from my phone and had to share this awesome one of Paul while we were in the U.S., hugging the biggest can of pork and beans I've ever seen! He's been away from America too long!

And a few more...

Paul in the Business Class lounge

Arby's and Wendy's both opened here. They are the same restaurant. How weird is that?!

This is the fire escape sign on our hall. Uhhh....huh? What?

Paul and Coco

!!! Does this mean you never have to change?

And finally, this photo shows a little boy mannequin at a shop in Dubai Mall, basically drowning in chocolate. How is this supposed to sell clothes??

Wednesday, August 4, 2010

No new ultrasound to post but...

I found this picture to share with you, from one of my students, so you can see what my baby looks like!

All is well here. Sitting out the summer heat in the safety of air conditioning. I have some photos on my cel phone I need to download and post, but no new baby news. I have less than 9 weeks left now--and we are looking forward to meeting the new "babby".