Monday, June 14, 2010

Baby Shower #2: Surprise!

Today was the last day of school. I still can't believe a bunch of 6-year-old children kept this a surprise, but somehow, I had a SURPRISE shower at our class party today! It was so wonderful! The kids all made me this booklet that told me the stuff they like to do with their mommies (and that if I want, I can do with my baby someday) and lots of kids brought gifts. There were baby cookies (see the amazing cookies below) and a cake made by the company belonging to one of my students' parents (Cho'coa).

Everything was beautiful and I still can't believe it all happened! They made me wear a Mommy-to-be sash and cut the beautiful cake (which was as delicious as it was beautiful). It's nothing short of a miracle that I didn't bawl my eyes out. Anyway, very lovely last day of school. One more teacher workday to go, and I'm on a plane tomorrow night!

Me being shocked when I'm told about the baby stuff:

The cookies:

Cake and party food!

Some of the new stuff I got:
Cute dancing/singing elephant!
I also have a car full of used baby stuff from one student's parents that I need to go and get right now--so the house is starting to fill up!

1 comment:

  1. love how the card is from the 'hole class'.
