Monday, February 28, 2011

Cute unpublished photos of Henry!

I was just clearing out my photos from this past month and found a few cute ones that never made it to the blog. Here they are--can you believe it's already MARCH?!!

Playing with food:
Told you he loves fish!
Dance moves!!!

Sunday, February 27, 2011

Goodbye, cute little penguin!

...because I'm gonna eatchoo!

Saturday, February 26, 2011

Henry wears a kandoora/dishdasha/thobe

All of the names above mean this outfit that he's wearing. Sadly, when Paul bought it for Henry in Yemen, he asked for a "1 year old" size and it is STILL too small for Henry, at not even 5 months. Oh well!

On the way to Aisha's house for breakfast!

Coco & Henry hug and then chat:

Ready to walk already!

Friday, February 25, 2011

Your Daily Baby, 2-25-11

We went to have lunch with Daddy one day:

Just lounging around the house:
I know where I'm from!

Virginia, you are so yummy I am going to eat you!

Thursday, February 24, 2011

Henry watches the fish!

Look at the fish!

He LOVES fish. He even watches the TV when things like Finding Nemo are on! Here are Henry and Coco at Dubai Mall aquarium. Henry was sleepy and uninterested in being at the mall right before this...and then got excited watching the fish. See video below!

Your Daily Baby, 2-24-11

Little Monster!

Oh, hi.
BIG kiss!

Wednesday, February 23, 2011

Baby tries to feed himself

Poor Henry! He wanted SO hard to put this apple in his mouth! I just let him try...and then eventually helped him once. He is learning to do it alone now--it's hard work!

Tuesday, February 22, 2011

Baby Kindermusik class

Mommy and Henry went to a baby music and dance class free trial today. Mommy was very excited to maybe discover a new socializing outlet for baby, but Henry was unsure of how he felt about it. (See first two photos below.)

We decided after the class was over that maybe Henry should wait another month or two before enrolling-the class was GREAT, but Henry seemed very tense and didn't enjoy himself as much as he could have--partly because he was a little younger than most of the other kids (by about 2 months) and was the only one who couldn't really sit up completely without help. He watched the other kids and seemed to be studying them and how they got around with envy!

Waiting for the class to begin, in a daze. Maybe hypnotized? He was staring at the ceiling fan for a long time...

After the class was over, we stayed and played a bit. Henry seemed to relax a little bit then and played with the balls, mirrors and noisemakers.

Your Daily Baby, 2-22-11

New amber teething necklace:

Sitting in his Bumbo chair:

Monday, February 21, 2011

Young Love!

Cindy took this picture of Henry and Coco on her phone yesterday. SO cute!

Sunday, February 20, 2011

Your Daily Baby 2-20-11

You can't hide when you have a 90th percentile head.

12-18 month size hat. On a not-even-five-month-old.