Thursday, December 30, 2010

End of 2010...and Daddy's vacation.

It's been so awesome to be home and have Paul around--too bad he has to go back to work full time again next week. Henry is really starting to become a funny little guy--and he's teething full-force. He's drooling like mad (soaks through shirt after shirt!) and putting anything in his mouth that will fit.

For the first time today, we gave Henry a frozen piece of apple in one of these things and it really seemed to soothe his gums a bit. He also seemed intrigued by the new flavor sensation! We didn't take a picture, but will try to remember to next time!

Wednesday, December 29, 2010

Put your hands up for Dubai!

Mommy singing (terribly) a song we heard in Ikea the other day. Henry loves it, it seems.

Christmas all over again!

Paul walked in yesterday with a huge pile of mail--so we had another Christmas!

(day before yesterday) With Rupert, the monkey he got for Christmas:

New stuff:
Before Henry opened the new presents, he managed to put this bracelet on all by himself!

Waiting in anticipation...

At first, suspicious of this new friend, maybe because he is as big as Henry?

Don't worry, he will learn not to be scared of the big new bear from his cousins!

...but this guy fits under my arm RIGHT NOW!

Tuesday, December 28, 2010

This is what a 3-month-old looks like!

...and apparently, he's not much smaller than the 1-year-old birthday girl! Look at his HEAD! (90th percentile, for sure.)

Let's just say Coco did not hate her first taste of cake:

Your Daily Baby, 12-28-10

3 months old today!!!!! Coco's first birthday is today and we will go to her party this evening. We'll post some photos of the big 3 month old boy after we take some at the party!

In the meantime, here are some from the past few days:

Sunday, December 26, 2010

Christmas in Dubai 2010

Presents waiting to be opened...

We stayed overnight at the Palace Hotel in Old Town on Christmas Eve. Here we are waiting in the hotel lobby for our room to be ready--we got upgraded to a suite! Sweet.

Hotel Christmas tree:

From our room, we could see...

Our room/courtyard

Christmas Eve:
Heading to Cindy, Nick and Coco's house for the party

Henry and Coco. I suspect Henry was suspicious of Coco's intentions, since he clutched his monkey as tight as humanly possible the entire time! Poor baby.

Christmas Day!

Back at's present time!

Henry unwraps his own presents:

Sucking on the box of a large bottle of Tabasco: