Wednesday, July 14, 2010

U.S. trip, Summer 2010

3 weeks, 3 states...whirlwind vacation. I wish we could have seen more friends, but time didn't really allow it this time. Some photos from our trip below:

West Virginia:
Here's Paul with Grandma...and me looking completely insane (check out the eyes!), opening presents from Aunt Marcia and Grandma! (Thanks for the flattering shot, Paul! xoxo)



Let's buy property here!

Old friends reunite a year later:

D.C. & Virginia Beach:

I somehow blocked out the fact that D.C. rush hour traffic looks like this every day:

Baby shower gifts from Fairhill! I will never have to buy anything for this child!

Loving "Labbit":

Baby shower #4! What did I do to deserve all this fun??!!

Boarding the plane in Doha--check out the humidity+airconditioning:

Things here may be a bit quiet for awhile. Not a whole lot I can do in this summer heat--plus, I'm tired a lot, so we may just take it easy until Nugget arrives.

Tuesday, July 13, 2010

Summer in Dubai

Well, we are back in Dubai for the remainder of this hot, hot summer...but still horribly jet-lagged from our trip back across the Atlantic.

More soon, including a few vacation photos from our very short trip to the U.S. Sadly, we didn't get to see many friends, but were able to spend some quality time with family.

Stay tuned!